Texas Wine Industry Predictions for 2025
Texas is rapidly becoming known as the “dream State” in the Wine World. The Texas Wine Industry re-started 44 years after Prohibition ended which happens to be 48 years ago. From its humble re-birth in Lubbock. the Texas Wine Industry has propelled itself to great heights even during and after the pandemic. Texas wines still continue to earn Double Golds and BEST OF SHOW in various International Wine Shows. Texas grapes flourish in the Texas Hill Country, west Texas Mountains, north Texas, the Texas Gulf Coast, and the flat Texas High Plains despite the cold weather extremes. The Texas High Plains is currently plagued by Bayer’s ultra-toxic herbicide sprayed by cotton farmers on the Texas High Plains, impacting vineyards ten miles away with this toxic herbicide. The head of the Texas Department of Agriculture, Sid Miller, remains silence on this critical industry for the multi-billion dollar wine industry in Texas. The Texas Hill Country is now known by various news sources such as the NY TIMES and WINE AND FOOD ENTHUSIAST magazine as a Major Wine Destination in the USA. The Texas High Plains was known as the area which earned Texas the title of the “King of Cotton” and now is the place where about 75% of Texas grapes are grown. The Texas dream of being a respected wine–producing state has become a reality with the Texas Wine Industry growing into a 13.1 Billion Dollar Industry. This solid base is growing with new wineries and vineyards evolving. Several times each month I learn of new wineries opening in Texas based on Social Media. I have observed many wonderful things happening in the Texas Wine Industry in 2024. My predictions for 2025 include:
1. Licensed wineries in Texas will increase, reaching almost 1,000 wineries in the State of Texas. If a winery as we know it producing wine would solely fall into this category then the number would reduce to halve. The TABC has defined WINERY in very broad terms. The Texas Hill Country will lead the way in the growth of real wineries, increasing the number of wineries to around 300 in the Fredericksburg area. The Texas Wine industry will surpass 17 Billion Dollars by the end of 202.
2. Women in the Texas Wine Industry will continue to be recognized for their wonderful wines and will continue to mentor women in the wine industry, establishing a core for Texas to become a State recognized for even more outstanding wines. Women such as Benedictine Rhyne (winemaker) at Kuhlman Winery, Joanna Wilczoch (Winemaker) with Pedernales Cellars, Rachael Fanning with Becker Vineyards, and Penny Adams are just a few of these women contributing to the Texas Wine Industry.
3. The Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association (TWGGA) will continue their outstanding support of the growing Texas Wine Industry. Their annual Trade Conference will be held in San Marcos on March 3rd and 4th. The Annual Newsom Grape Day on April 25th will focus on grape vineyards at this Texas High Plains vineyard. Grape Camp is a long weekend event held in Lubbock on October 8th and 9th.. TWGGA will continue to help the Texas Wine Industry grow.
4. Texas Tech University, Texas A and M University, and Grayson Community College in Denison will continue educating more winemakers and vineyard managers which will increase the number of Texas-raised winemakers and vineyard managers. These institutions will expand their facilities with the Fredericksburg campus of Texas Tech University establishing the first University Winery in the State.
5. The Texas Department of Agriculture through its GO TEXAN program will continue to promote the Texas Wine Industry through its PASSPORT program.
6. Vineyard Specialists like Fritz Westover and his Westover Vineyard Advising (www.vineyardadvising.com) will increase the technical expertise in Texas Vineyards through his consulting efforts. Fritz’s private consulting company based in Texas assists in solving problems in vineyards worldwide. Fritz has a “virtual viticulture academy,” webinars, in-field consulting, and more to help the Texas Wine Industry grow without government support. This is a good sign of a maturing industry.
7. More wine trails and trail events involving wineries to help promote Texas wineries will continue to provide Texans and tourists with winery experiences. Texas has 19 Wine Trails since our State is so large. The newest Wine Trail is along I-45 and includes Conroe as one of its hubs.
8. Texas restaurants will continue to recognize the quality and value of Texas wines by listing more Texas wines on restaurant wine lists. This is a great way to experience Texas wines with your food! In addition, Texas wineries and restaurants will offer even more “Wine Dinners” for people to enjoy!
9. More Texas wineries will establish and support WINE CLUBS by offering unique wine experiences such as “wine pick-up parties,” special edition wines, wine discounts, and even free tastings.
10. Several Texas wineries will break the 100,000 case barrier as they and other Texas wineries grow in 2025.
11. A significant number of Texas wineries will be using 100% Texas grapes. This is due to more wine drinkers looking for Texas wines made from 100% Texas fruit. The Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association has implemented special “100% Texas Grapes” labels. This trend to 100% Texas grapes is happening on a broad basis since many vineyards are now expanding along with a CRUSH Pad on the Texas High Plains making white wine grapes more readily accessible to wineries.
12. Texas vineyards will break through the 10,000 acre number in the 2025 grape harvest, producing quality grapes for Texas wineries to use. Most of the vineyard growth will be on the Texas High Plains. The Gulf Coast will continue to grow even more Blanc du Bois, of which Texas is the largest grower of Blanc du Bois in the world.
13. Texas wines will continue to earn even more Double Gold Medals and BEST OF CLASS, showing to the world that Texas consistently produces quality wines.
14. Texas wines will continue to be distributed on a larger basis beyond our State’s boundaries. Less than 1% of Texas wines make it beyond our borders since Texas drink so much Texas wine!
15. Until such time as Texas approves cannabis, Texas wines will flourish with increasing wine sales. California and other states with laws allowing cannabis are seeing significant drops in wine consumption. To substitute for this phenomena, wineries in those states will sell cannabis-infused wines.
Time will tell on how accurate these predictions will be, but I know that the Texas Wine Industry in 2025 will be larger and better as compared to 2024. Texas is poised for continued greatness in the wine industry.